The world needs all the revival it can get and this is why World Visio has been set up. At this end time, the world needs to draw closet to the Creator and acknowledge him in everything so that she can be counted worthy like a bride without blemish on the day or the coming of the Lord. The World Vision, aside from its effort to spread the good news, also makes effort to touch the lives of all and sundry by reaching out to communities, families and children from across the globe in line with the Words of the Saviour. They also use this mediumto bring about faith in action Singapore so that everyone across the globe can have a feel of the love of the Lord.
Faith by work
World Vision is showing faith by work, since the organization understands that faith without work is dead. Since inception to date, the organization has taken its faith in action Singapore programs to over 100 countries across the globe, extending the love of Christ to everyone they come across toward making the world a more livable place for all. Everyone is welcome to benefit from the great services offered by this organization since the services offered here give no consideration to the gender, ethnicity, race or religion of the beneficiaries.
Jesus went about doing good to all and this is exactly what World Vision Singapore is also doing. The organization has offices in both the developed and developing countries of the world and this means everyone can benefit a great deal.